Lauder Global Business Insights Report 2021: Innovation and Change During a Global Pandemic


Every year, new Lauder Institute students begin their studies by developing the articles that make up the annual Lauder Global Business Insights Report. A year of extraordinary circumstances, the Class of 2022 conducted their interviews and followed stories without the benefit of being on the ground during summer immersion. DespiteRead More

Africa Symposium Panel Recap

At the Lauder Institute’s virtual 2021, experts from the panel discussion titled “Investing in the Future, the Future of Investments” discuss their thoughts on local markets and why they matter. Read more from Knowledge@Wharton:

The Lauder Global Business Insight Report 2019: The Global Push for Change

In every corner of the world, change is visible. Governments, businesses, organizations and individuals are pushing for transformation, refusing to accept the status quo because they believe there is a better way that can benefit more people. From the expansion of women’s rights in Argentina and greater financial inclusion Brazil,Read More

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