Look Globally. Engage Locally. Act Responsibly.

Lauder is…

A pioneering program for aspiring global business leaders. Lauder students earn two degrees in two years: a Wharton School MBA plus an International Studies MA from the University of Pennsylvania.* Our innovative curriculum integrates comprehensive professional training with interdisciplinary coursework in international politics, economics, history, culture, and language at an Ivy League institution. Learn More »

The Lauder Difference

Our students have a global mindset fostered through extended international immersions and exceptional opportunities for study, travel, and career development worldwide. Our close-knit community is supported by the dedicated resources of the Lauder Institute, the active involvement of the Lauder family, and a highly engaged global alumni network.

International ImmersiveIntimate Interdisciplinary InclusiveInnovative Impactful

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“The Lauder Institute is unique among global business programs through its integration of an MA in international studies with a top MBA.”

Ronald Lauder, Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board, The Lauder Institute