Renowned Chinese Music Festival visits Lauder

The Lauder Institute was honored to host a very special performance as part of the Princeton International Chinese Music Festival on October 1, 2014. Performances featured renowned musicians from the music conservatories of Central, China, GuangXi, and Zhejiang, Award-winning young virtuosos, and “2014 Best Young Virtuosos” chosen by China CentralRead More

Thoughts from Sidi Bou Said

My Egyptian background has made immersion in North Africa very interesting. It’s given a convenient benchmarking tool for things like cultural traditions and food preferences, or even economic, historical and political profiles, like the role of each country’s respective militaries in the region’s decolonization experiences. Fortunately Egypt’s dialect, understood acrossRead More

The Three Immersions

Everyone who knows about Lauder, is in Lauder, or has experienced Lauder holds one unequivocal truth: the overseas summer immersion is a transformational experience in which the individual is transformed by an improved understanding of a country’s and language’s culture. In two words? Immersion rocks. It is however just nowRead More

The Joseph H. Lauder Institute
256 South 37th street
2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6330