Lauder Student Carries Olympic Torch

Learn about how Lauder student John Paz (WG’18) was chosen to carry the Olympic torch in Brazil “Working for Latam Airlines and being involved in sports gave me the opportunity to be one of the torch bearers in Brazil. The reason I was pre-selected by Latam Airlines was because I was leadingRead More

Santander Venture Award Winners

The Santander Venture Awards are given to ventures led by MBA students, and is meant to help them during the early stage of entrepreneurial development. This financial support, coupled with the many other co-curricular opportunities at Wharton, provides a strong foundation for students’ professional development as entrepreneurs. The Santander VentureRead More

Santander Venture Awards Winners

The Santander Venture Awards are given to ventures led by MBA students, and is meant to help them during the early stage of entrepreneurial development. This financial support, coupled with the many other co-curricular opportunities at Wharton, provides a strong foundation for students’ professional development as entrepreneurs. The Santander VentureRead More