Ron Granieri Featured on Sirius XM

Dr. Ron Granieri, Director of Research & Lecturer in International Studies at the Lauder Institute, appeared on the Knowledge@Wharton Network program hosted by Dan Loney on Sirius XM Channel 132. He spoke on Angela Merkel’s announcement that she plans to step down as Chair of her party (the CDU) and the consequences of herRead More

Lauder Institute building expansion and renovation dedicated

Lauder Institute ribbon cutting

In a sunny courtyard in the heart of Penn’s campus, President Amy Gutmann and Provost Wendell Pritchett joined alumni Ronald S. Lauder and Leonard A. Lauder Tuesday to dedicate the renovation of the building that houses the Joseph H. Lauder Institute for Management & International Studies, which the two brothersRead More

Dr. Regina Abrami Wins Prestigious Award

Today’s business students need courses that prepare them tackle society’s largest challenges and create a better capitalism. We’re thrilled that Dr. Regina Abrami was recognized as one of 20 recipients of the Ideas Worth Teaching Awards from the Aspen Institute Business & Society Program. The Ideas Worth Teaching Awards were established to celebrateRead More