Marc Adoux Papé

Lecturer in Foreign Languages, French (Africa)


Marc Adoux Papé is a Lecturer in Foreign Languages (French) at The Lauder Institute where he specializes in teaching the linguistic, cultural and political perspectives of ‘Francophone’ Africa.

Born in the village of Manaboué in the South-Western district of Sassandra, Marc Adoux Papé is a native of the Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire), West Africa. After his Undergraduate education at the University of Abidjan (Cocody) with a Maîtrise in International Law from the Law School, he moved to the United States to pursue a Master’s degree in International Affairs at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida where he received two PhDs: One in Political Science (International Relations/Comparative Politics) and one in French and Francophone African Literature.

His teaching experience and research interests reflect his dual background in the Humanities and the Social Sciences. More specifically, he is strongly committed to an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and research focused on issues relevant to African communities of what French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre famously called the “mystic geography of Africa”, which include continental Africa, Europe and the Americas. Indeed, he has not only presented numerous papers at international conferences and universities on a wide range of African and African Diaspora literatures, languages, cultures and politics but is also building a publication record with a strong interdisciplinary content, including:

1. Gloire À l’Ancêtre Vivant : Hommage à Bernard B. Dadié. Père-fondateur de la littérature ivoirienne d’expression française, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2019.
2. Les Conflits Identitaires en Afrique ‘francophone’, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2011.
3. Hopes and Impediments for Successful Democratic Transitions in ‘Francophone’ West Africa, VDM Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2008.
His Work in Progress is: Éloge de la post-francophonie/In Praise of post-Francophony: Beyond French Hegemony in West Africa.

Prior to his appointment at the Lauder Institute, Dr. Papé taught at Frostburg State University, (Frostburg, Maryland), Dickinson College (Carlisle, Pennsylvania) and Saint John Fisher College, (Rochester, NY).

Dr. Papé’s main passions are his unconditional surrender for Africa, for Humans and Nature, and for Soccer! His primary residence is in his adoptive village of Frederick, Maryland.