Why Give?
The Program
For more than 35 years, The Lauder Institute has offered a uniquely integrated interdisciplinary program designed to prepare MBA and JD candidates with the skills and experiences needed to become a global business leader. You give to ensure that our program remains first in its class, with a curriculum that is as pioneering today as it was when we opened our doors.
The Students
Access to expert faculty and impressive alumni, cultural immersions in locations around the world, instruction in ten languages, and personal career guidance – these are opportunities that all Lauder alumni know to be invaluable. Putting these experiences within reach of the most talented students by providing assistance with tuition, costs, and fees is one of The Lauder Institute’s highest priorities. You give to increase access and affordability for this elite group of students, and to enhance the Institute’s ability to attract the most qualified applicants.
The Faculty
A faculty of dedicated professors and distinguished researchers is essential to attracting top students – students who seek personal advising and mentoring from teachers with a depth of knowledge and a breadth of connections. You give to attract faculty who teach across the fields of humanities and social science, who are fluent not only in other languages but also in the language of global business, who are motivated to develop original course content, and who are committed to the success of every Lauder student.
The Community
While the alumni community is strong and growing, the Lauder community on campus is small and intimate. You give to ensure that it can remain small, because you know that the intimacy of the program is the reason that the bonds between alumni are so strong.
When you give to Lauder, you keep the program out in front of its competitors. You attract and support world-renowned scholars. You give access to this unique form of education to the brightest future global leaders. You grow the alumni community. Moreover, you strengthen the legacy of The Lauder Institute.