Journeying Around the Globe: 2024 Summer Immersions

Summer Immersions for the Class of 2026 are now in progress. An essential component of the Lauder Institute’s International Studies curriculum, Summer Immersion takes first-year students on a global journey for five weeks, offering a unique blend of field-based and interdisciplinary learning. Under the guidance of faculty directors and alongside peers within their Program of Concentration, students hone their target language skills in authentic settings, explore regional economics, history, and culture, and engage deeply with local businesses and organizations. The Summer Immersion provides a transformative experience that enhances intercultural awareness, bolsters leadership capabilities and business expertise, and expands a student’s international perspective.

A notable aspect of the Summer Immersion Program is a group-based summer research project. Students collaborate in teams to conduct research that culminates in an article on an economic, cultural, or political topic tied to their international experiences. These articles are featured in Lauder’s Annual Global Business Insight Report.

Below are highlights from the 2024 Summer Immersion.

The Global Program visits the Three Dikgosi (Chiefs) Monument in Gaborone, Botswana
The Latin America (Portuguese) Program receives a guided tour of Museu do Ipiranga in Sao Paulo, Brazil
The Europe (Russian) Program meets with Sasha Kelberg (G03, WG03) at his company, GroGlass. GroGlass is one of the world’s leading developers and manufacturers of anti-reflective glass.
The Africa (French) Program visits the Museum of Black Civilizations in Dakar, Senegal.
The East & Southeast Asia (Korean) Program makes kimchi at the Museum Kimchikan in Seoul, South Korea.
The Europe (French) Program visits the world headquarters of Pernod Ricard, a global leader in wine and spirits.
The Africa General Program enjoys the tree canopy walkway at Lekki Conservation Centre in Nigeria.
The SAMENA (Hindi) Program visits the Jama Masjid Mosque in Old Delhi, India.
The Latin America (Spanish) Program receives a guest lecture on the linguistic diversity of Colombia in Bogota.
The Europe (Italian) Program visits Paolo Atti e Figli, a store selling fresh pasta, during a historical tour of Bologna.
The SAMENA (Arabic) Program explores The National Bardo Museum in Tunis, Tunisia.
The East & Southeast Asia (Mandarin) Program meets with Taipei City government representatives at the Department of Cultural Affairs in Taipei, Taiwan.
The Europe (German) Program visits the Volkswagen Group headquarters in Wolfsburg, Germany. Pictured in the background is the Volkswagen plant, one of the largest manufacturing plants in the world.


Learn more about Summer Immersion here >>>