The Lauder Institute Career Services

Kim Conroy, international studies career advice expert

Meet Kim Conroy: Global Career Advisor

In a life that has included many careers – working for Save the Children in Honduras setting up a fruit processing factory to empower the local women, consulting for the World Bank, providing financial training to rural women for the Mexican government, reporting on the financial sector for Dow Jones and others, working in private equity in London and running an Emerging Markets debt portfolio for JP Morgan – Kim Conroy is the Lauder Institute’s Global Career Advisor. She is the source for information, connections, and advice on how to turn an MBA – or, in this case, a Lauder MBA/MA – into an international business career.

Contact Kim Conroy with questions on Career Guidance at Lauder

Because a Foot in the Door Is Not Enough

Kim Conroy will tell you that 40 percent of job candidates get their foot in the door because they know someone. “Then you have to tell your professional story effectively,” she says. “I help Lauder students to assess their various career options and to present themselves and their qualifications as positively as possible to maximize their opportunities of getting the summer internships or full time job offers they seek.”

In addition to assisting students make connections through the Lauder Institute alumni network, she helps students 1) take a realistic look at their skill set, 2) properly assess appropriate career paths, and 3) package that potential into a compelling story. She helps Lauder students looking for their dream job post-graduation turn that dream into reality. She is uniquely qualified to advise the students because she knows the value-added of a Lauder degree: the unparalleled insight that comes from a global perspective, fluency in multiple languages, and work experience on various continents.

Beyond Wharton Career Management

The Lauder students who are enrolled at Wharton have access to Wharton Career Services to help with their career choices. Their skilled staff is adept at reviewing resumes and preparing students for interviews. They work with recruiters and bring companies to campus to meet with current students. They are experienced and winning job coaches.

Kim’s work complements that in two ways. First, whereas Wharton Career Management focuses on jobs in the United States, Kim also focuses on both domestic and international opportunities. Secondly and importantly, she is able to give significant attention to each Lauder student given the Institute’s student-to-advisor ratio.

One-on-one Advising

Kim gets to know each student who reaches out to her – and she will have met or Skyped with 40 percent of the incoming class within their first summer in the program. That personal relationship is what enables her to provide a student with the right connections and mentors. She is available by phone 24-7 to talk to current and prospective students about their fields of interest and the particular individuals who might give them insight and assistance.  In addition to providing access to alumni, given her multiple careers, Kim has built a large network of friends, colleagues, and contacts in many varied professional fields.

To learn more about Kim’s work, click through to career guidance.

Contact Kim

Cell: 917-213-1960

Podcast with Kim

Lauder Global Career Advisor Kim Conroy shares about her background and the types of career services that are available to Lauder students.

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